Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I have come to learn that I cannot write a blog solely about WoW, or one certain subject. I have been toying around with deleting this blog altogether but cannot bring myself to do it. I've been on WoW burnout lately, and I've been dabbling in the closed-beta testing for a new game, Aion. It is time for a change and I am taking my blog with me, along with Escada. The name has stuck with me. ^^ So, it's time to introduce another Escada, below is my character in Aion. The game has definitely been a lot of fun, and I have already become part of a decent sized legion, we are hoping we can stay together for launch. Real life issues have also been effecting the time I spend on the computer in general, but now I am falling back into a comfortable groove, and imporving my social life a bit, I have a nice happy medium for once and it feels good! So here is to a new life for this blog! See you next time!

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